About the Event
The Vive Center hosted the 3rd Annual AR/VR Symposium on April 12, 2019 at Sutardja Dai Hall at UC Berkeley. The event included various talks on AR/VR applications in different industries and their challenges where attendees were able to learn how the technology was applied in architecture, healthcare, industrial manufacturing, and various forms of entertainment including video games and movies.
We also wanted to extend our sincere gratitude and appreciation to all our speakers, organization committee members, HTC, and our members for continuing to support the Center’s goals and research. Please see below for an attached agenda and presentations.
The Vive Center’s goals continue to sponsor critical fundamental research and high impact applications in the fields of virtual reality, augmented reality, and artificial intelligence. We aim to achieve these goals by offering seed grants and facilitating student research activities to foster external industry partnerships. To that end, we wanted to congratulate the center’s 2019 Seed Grant Recipients and their proposals: